Rel Geser
Rel Geser merupakan pemandu linear tipe terbatas dengan harga yang tidak mahal dan terbuat dari pelat baja yang dibuat secara presisi melalui proses pengerolan (rolling). Tipis, kompak, dan mudah dipasang, produk ini cocok untuk pemandu linear dalam berbagai aplikasi.

Utility Slide / Telescopic Slide Rail

The ATG is a telescopic slide rail with an inner and outer rail that expand and collapse. This product features a high load capacity, superior durability, and two rows of balls that enable smooth, stable movement. It can also be mounted with an ease unique to slide rails.
[Model number]
Conventional slide rails have been widely adopted in the sliding portions of various types of office machinery, such as ATMs and vending machines. However, due to the high demand for greater improvements in load capacities and durability, there has been an increasing need for a utility-grade, hybrid product like the ATG that combines the benefits of a slide rail and LM Guide.
Achieving high load capacity and durability, the ATG is aimed at adoption in logistics and railway fields, where utility grade is required. This product is anticipated to be in demand particularly for the container-fetching mechanisms of transfer shuttles in automated warehouses, open-and-close mechanisms of railway vehicle doors and sliding mechanisms of aircraft passenger seats.
Tipe Geser Tunggal

Model ini merupakan tipe unit dasar yang panjang langkahnya dirancang sekitar 70% dari keseluruhan panjang rel.
[Nomor model]
FBL27S, FBL27S-P14, FBL35S, FBL35M, FBL35J, FBL35J-P13, FBL35J-P14, FBL35B
Tipe Geser Ganda

Model ini merupakan tipe unit ganda 2 tingkat yang panjang langkahnya dapat melampaui panjang unit keseluruhan.
[Nomor model]
FBL27D, FBL35N, FBL35N-P16, FBL35G-P13, FBL35G-P14, FBL35D, FBL51H, FBL51H-P13, FBL51H-P14, FBL35K, FBL56H, FBL56H-P13, FBL56H-P14
Tipe Linear

Menggunakan tipe flensa yang dapat dipasang dengan mudah, model tipe geser ini dapat melakukan gerakan lurus yang terbatas.
[Nomor model]
Aloi Aluminium/Tipe Geser Tunggal

Tipe geser tunggal dari seri aloi aluminium ideal digunakan pada lokasi-lokasi di mana langkah pencegahan antikarat dan penampilan merupakan faktor penting.
[Nomor model]
E15, E20
Aloi Aluminum/Tipe Geser Ganda

Tipe geser ganda dari seri aloi aluminium.
[Nomor model]