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  4. Precision Caged Ball Screw

Precision Caged Ball Screw

The use of a ball cage in the caged ball screw eliminates collision and friction between balls and increases grease retention. This makes it possible to achieve low noise, low torque fluctuation, and long-term maintenance-free operation.
In addition, this ball screw excels in high-speed applications because of an ideal ball recirculation structure, a strengthened circulation path, and the use of a ball cage.


Highlight feature tags

  • Long-term maintenance free
  • Compact
  • High speed
  • High-load ball screw
  • In accordance with ISO standards
  • Large lead
  • Preload
  • No preload
  • Offset preload
  • Return-pipe type
  • Return-piece
  • End-cap type
  • Double nut
  • For presses
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Double nut preload
High Speed Model SBN-V
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • Preload
  • Offset preload
  • High speed
  • Return-pipe type
  • Return-piece

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 16,20,25,28,32,36,40,45,50

Model SBK
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • Large lead
  • Preload
  • Offset preload
  • High speed
  • End-cap type

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 15,16,20,25,32,36,40,50,55

High Speed SDAN-V/SDAN-VX type
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • In accordance with ISO standards
  • Preload
  • Double nut preload
  • High speed
  • Compact
  • Double nut

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 31,32,36,38,40,45,50,55,63

Compact Type SDA-V/SDA-VZ
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • In accordance with ISO standards
  • Large lead
  • Preload
  • No preload
  • High speed
  • Compact

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 10,12,14,15,16,20,25,28,31,32,36,38,45,50

High Load Model HBN-V
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • High-load ball screw
  • No preload
  • High speed

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 50,63,80

High Load Model HBN-K/Model HBN-KA
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • High-load ball screw
  • No preload
  • High speed

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 63,80,100,120,140

High Load Model HBN
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • High-load ball screw
  • No preload
  • High speed
  • Return-piece

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 32,36,40,50,63

High-Load Ball Screw for Presses Model HBN-KP
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • High-load ball screw
  • No preload
  • High speed
  • Return-pipe type
  • For presses

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 40,63,80,100,120,140

High-load High-speed Ball Screw Model SBKH
  • Precision positioning (ball screw)
  • Long-term maintenance free
  • High-load ball screw
  • Large lead
  • No preload
  • High speed
  • End-cap type

Screwshaftdiameter(mm) : 63,80,100,120


Structure and Features

The use of a ball cage in the caged ball screw eliminates collision and friction between balls and increases grease retention. This makes it possible to achieve low noise, low torque fluctuation, and long-term maintenance-free operation.
In addition, this ball screw excels in high-speed applications because of an ideal ball recirculation structure, a strengthened circulation path, and the use of a ball cage.

Ball Cage Effect

Low noise/reduced running sound

The use of the ball cage eliminates the collision noise between the balls. Additionally, as balls are picked up in the tangential direction, the collision noise from the ball circulation has also been eliminated.

Long-term maintenance-free operation

The friction between balls has been eliminated, and grease retention has been improved through the provision of grease pockets. As a result, long-term maintenance-free operation (i.e. long term operation without lubrication) is achieved.

Smooth Motion

The use of a ball cage eliminates the friction between balls and minimizes the torque fluctuation, thus allowing smooth motion to be achieved.

Low noise

● Noise Level Data

Since the balls in the caged ball screw do not collide with each other, they do not produce a metallic sound, and a low noise level is achieved.

■ Noise Measurement




High-Load Ball Screw with Ball Cage

HBN3210-5 Conventional Type: Model BNF3210-5




Grease lubrication (lithium-based grease containing extreme pressure agent)

Long-term Maintenance-free Operation

● High speed and high load-bearing capacity

Thanks to the ball circulating method supporting high speed and the ball cage effect, the caged ball screw excels in high speed and load-bearing capacity.

■ High Speed Durability Test
[Test Conditions]




High-Speed Caged Ball Screw



5000 (min-1)(DN value*: 160,000)




THK AFJ Grease


4 cm3 (lubricated every 500 km)

Applied Load




*DN value: Ball center-to-center diameter x revolutions per minute

Test Results
Shows no deviation after running for 6000 km

■ Load Bearing Test
[Test Conditions]




High Speed Ball Screw with Ball Cage



1500 (min-1)(DN value*: 79,000)




THK AFG Grease


57.7 cm3 (lubricated every 100 km)

Applied load




Test result
Shows no deviation after running for the calculated service life

Smooth Motion

● Low Torque Fluctuation

The caged ball effect allows smoother motion than the conventional type to be achieved, thus reducing torque fluctuation.




Shaft diameter


Shaft rotational


Examples of Assembling Models HBN-V, HBN-K, HBN-KA, HBN, and SBKH

If using models HBN-V, HBN-K, HBN-KA, HBN, or SBKH under a large load, arrange the nut flange and the fixed-side support unit in relation to the loading direction as indicated in the figures below while taking into account the load balance of the balls. In addition, be sure not to apply a tensile load to the bolts while the unit is operating. If you intend to use this product in configurations other than those below, contact THK.

Example Assembly of Models HBN-V, HBN-K, HBN-KA, HBN, and SBKH (Recommended)

Example Assembly of Models HBN-V, HBN-K, HBN-KA, HBN, and SBKH (Not Recommended)