Accuracy Standards (KR)

The accuracy standard of model KR is defined in positioning repeatability, positioning accuracy, running parallelism (vertical direction) and backlash.

Positioning Repeatability

Command the position to a given arbitrary point. Measure the position and repeat seven times from the same direction. Record the difference between the largest and smallest values. Conduct the same test at three points: the middle of the stroke, and at both the approximate maximum and minimum positions of travel. Express the maximum difference value of the three mea- surements divided by 2 with a "±" sign.

Positioning Accuracy

Using the maximum stroke as the reference length, express the maximum error between the actual distance traveled from the referencepoint and the command value in an absolute value as positioning accuracy.

Running of Parallelism (Vertical direction)

Place a straightedge on the surface table where model KR is mounted, measure almost throughout the travel distance of the inner block using a test indicator. Use the maximum difference among the readings within the travel distance as the running parallelism measurement.


Feed and slightly move the inner block and read the measurement on the test indicator as the reference value. Subsequently, apply a load to the inner block from the same direction (table feed direction), and then release the inner block from the load. Use the difference between the reference value and the return as the backlashmeasurement. Perform this measurement in the center and near both ends, and use the maximum value as the measurement value.