THK's Growth Strategy
THK is contributing to the growth and development of customers worldwide and helping to build a prosperous society by promoting the use of its products including LM guides. As a part of these endeavors, the Company has embraced the growth strategies of focusing on Full-Scale Globalization, the Development of New Business Areas and Change in Business Style to expand the business areas.
With this aim in mind, we will strive to meet your expectations by further strengthening measures toward sustainability and ESG-which form the basis of our efforts-while simultaneously achieving further growth and increasing corporate value.
Full-Scale Globalization
THK is building an integrated production and sales structure with facilities and operations closer to centers of demand to produce and sell locally in four areas: Japan, the Americas, Europe and Asia. The Company is continuing its trend, particularly over recent years, of upgrading and expanding its sales network while bolstering its production capabilities across newly emerging markets including China, which is projected to enjoy demand growth over the medium-to-long-term. In developed countries, THK is also working to expand its sales network in a bid to steadily capture demand amid expansion in its user base. Through these means, the Company is working diligently to promote substantial additional growth.
Full-Scale Globalization
Net Sales ¥108.7 billion
Sales bases: 47
Production bases: 12
Development bases: 1
Net Sales ¥69.8 billion
Sales bases: 12
Production bases: 4
Development bases: 1
Asia and Other
Net Sales ¥25 billion
Sales bases: 22
Production bases: 9
Net Sales ¥59.9 billion
Sales bases: 30
Production bases: 6
Development bases: 1
The Americas
Net Sales ¥88.3 billion
Sales bases: 10
Production bases: 6
Note: Net sales by regional data is based on overseas sales for fiscal 2023.
Development of New Business Areas
As a part of efforts to develop new business areas, THK has set up three specialist divisions: the ACE Division, which handles seismic isolation and damping systems; the FAI Division, which is responsible for activities in transportation equipment-related fields; and the IMT Division, which handles such products as electric actuators and next-generation robot-related products. At the same time, the Company is working diligently to cultivate fields in close proximity to the consumer goods sector. Moreover, use of THK's products is expanding across a variety of fields including medical equipment, aircraft, and renewable energy. Recognizing the vast potential that also exists in other areas within the consumer goods sector, the Company is honing its accumulated know-how and core linear motion system technologies nurtured over a long period and is accelerating the pace at which it develops new business fields.
Expansion from Capital Goods into Consumer Goods
Fields with High Future Growth Potential
- Medical equipment
- Aircraft
- Renewable Energy
Automotive & Transportation Business Unit
- Develops and supplies key automotive components that enhance automobile safety
- Other transportation equipment-related businesses
ACE Division (Amenity Creation Engineering)
- Mainly develops and supplies seismic isolation and damping system that help ensure housing safety
- Support the home automation
IMT Division (Innovation Mechatronics Technology)
- Supplies unit products customized to each customer's needs
- Develops and supplies electric actuator series that address customers' general-purpose needs
- Developing next generation robot related products that are projected to expand in the future
Change in Business Style
THK has identified "Full-Scale Globalization" and the "Development of New Business Areas" as cornerstones of its growth strategy. This time, THK added "Change in Business Style" as a new growth strategy. We should always bear in mind where and how to sell what to whom. We will change the way we do business and the way business works and promote further expansion of business areas by thoroughly utilizing IoT, cloud computing, AI, and robots.