Management Capital
THK generates new value and solves social challenges by effectively making use of the various types of capital it has established since its founding. We will continue to strengthen each type of capital in order to further bolster the foundation of our business.
Related material issues
Strengthening of a sustainable value creation platform
Decarbonization and realization of a recycling-oriented society
Creating an affluent society and solving social issues through innovation
Realization of a diverse and meaningful work environment
Strengthening of a sustainable value creation platform
Decarbonization and realization of a recycling-oriented society
Our philosophy
- In recognition of the impact that changes in our external environment have on our business, we consider it integral to the continuation of our business to secure the necessary capital for a sound financial base and investments in future growth. Internal reserves are determined based on a balance between shareholder returns, investments in growing fields, and maintaining a sound financial basis.
Continuing to increase productivity
- Strengthening individual skills
- Increasing machine utilization: upgrading equipment and promoting automation (trailblazing)
- Seeking out precise materials that are easy to process
- Effective use of systems
- Guided by the corporate philosophy of providing innovative products to the world and generating new trends to contribute to the creation of an affluent society, we continually create original products as a company focused on creation and development.
- The contributions of each employee are what enable us to continuously grow and generate value as a company focused on creation and development.
- We establish relationships of mutual trust and strengthen the foundation of our business operations by maintaining a dialogue with our stakeholders and conducting related activities.
- To minimize the negative impacts of our corporate activities and strengthen the positive, we work to generate shared value in terms of sustainability through efforts that are optimized for everyone’s benefit, not just one set of interests.
- Strong cash flow generation
- Establishing a net cash position and maintaining a sound financial basis
- Ability to adapt to changing customer requirements and user trends with a flexible, global production structure
- Manufacturing made-to-order products to meet customer requirements
- Producing products with a low friction coefficient to reduce energy consumption
- Ability to provide individually optimized products based on our expertise and experience in achieving smooth, high-precision linear motion in the rolling guide components of machines and an extensive foundational platform
- Training and support aimed at developing internal talent (data utilization training and international trainee system)
- Actively supporting the development of external talent (THK Education Outreach Program, internship program for international engineers, and cooperating with government projects)
- Continuing activities aimed at sustained future advancement of Japanese industry, such as our EntSherpa technical support service for start-up companies
- Using our proprietary rolling technology in linear motion components to reduce consumption of electricity and lubricant compared to conventional sliding motion
2023 data
- Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Total: ¥357.2 billion - Ratio of equity attributable to owners of the parent: 64.2%
Credit rating
Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR)
A+ (issued Dec. 1, 2023) -
Rating and Investment Information (R&I)
A+ (issued Dec. 1, 2023)
Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR)
- Capital investments: ¥28.7 billion
- * Investments in future growth: Approx. ¥170 billion (property, plant, and equipment investments made during the five-year period from 2022 to 2026 only)
- Capital investments: ¥28.7 billion
- Production facilities: 12 in Japan, 6 in the Americas, 4 in Europe, 6 in China, 9 in Asia and other regions
- R&D expenses: ¥5.6 billion
Intellectual property holdings
- Registered: 2,487
(Entire THK Group) - Published: 403
(Entire THK Group)
- Registered: 2,487
- R&D facilities: 3
(Japan: 1, Europe: 1, China: 1)
- Training time: 30.75 hours/person
- Training costs: ¥21,949/person
Employees certified with National Trade Skill Test & Certification (Production departments at THK and Group locations in Japan)
- Male: 51
- Female: 13
Interactions with shareholders and investors
- Financial results briefings: 2
- Interviews with institutional investors: Approx. 270
- SR meetings with major shareholders: As appropriate
Supplier visits
- Sustainability-related: 2
- Materials-related: 7
- Industry-academia-government collaborations
- Solar power generated: 10,875 MWh
- Recycled volume: 18,888 tons
- Zero emissions result: 0.12%
Future challenges to address
- Active and appropriate allocation of funds into investments to increase returns (profit levels) as part of our ROIC in both the industrial machinery and automotive and transportation businesses as we engage with diverse areas of medium- to long-term growth
- Reducing CO2 emissions and effectively utilizing renewable energy
- Energy-saving activities
- Promoting DX activities
- Further cultivating our core technology of rolling machine components and developing new products
- Developing (IoT) service to visualize component status based on extensive performance data
- Turning pioneering products in new fields into lines of business
- Ratio of women in management: 3.0% (end of March 2025)
- Initiatives to achieve severity rate of 0.01 or less (2026)
- Incident rate of 0.50 or less (2026)
- Strengthening Group governance structure
- Initiatives to increase compliance awareness
- Strengthening risk management (BCP and information security) structures
Initiatives to achieve medium- and long-term targets for carbon neutrality
- 2030 CO2 emissions: 50% of 2018 levels (Scope: THK Japan and Group companies in Japan)
- 2050 CO2 emissions: Net-zero (Scope: Entire THK Group)