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Talent Management

Basic Stance/Policy

The following provisions are outlined in The THK Group Action Charter.


  • In addition to promoting work-life balance, we establish a human resources system that treats employees in a way that facilitates the employment of a diverse workforce.
  • We respect the individuality of each employee and support the development of their careers and abilities through education, training, and other opportunities.

Supporting Development

Supporting the Development of the Next Generation

Since 2019, we have maintained a helpline for matters related to childcare leave, and we have updated our support handbook for balancing work with providing care for children or the elderly. Furthermore, we established an action plan for the period spanning January 2023 to December 2025 to help employees with children balance work and childcare as a means to strengthen the healthy development of children who will form the next generation of society. The two objectives of this project are to help employees find a comfortable balance between work and caring for children or the elderly and to strengthen the overall work environment.

  • Objective 1:
    Introduce a company-specific program for childcare leave or consider and implement an expansion of the existing paternity and maternity leave system.
  • Objective 2:
    Notify, educate, and provide guidance for all workers about the overall work-life balance support system.

Benefits System

Work and Family-Life Balance Support System

We have created the Work and Family-Life Balance Support Handbook for Guardians and Caregivers to help employees achieve work-life balance by facilitating maternity and paternity leave as well as child and family care leave. Furthermore, we have established a work environment where everyone understands the system and can focus on their work without worry.


Paid Vacation Utilization System

As one measure to revolutionize the way we work, we introduced a system in April 2019 that allows employees to use their annual paid vacation by the hour. This is a means to improve work-life balance and increase the annual percent of vacation utilized.
In this system, vacation can be taken in one-hour increments instead of full or half-day units.
As a result, employees can take shorter amounts of time off to balance their personal and professional needs, creating an environment where workload stress can be reduced, and it is easier to take time off by doing so a little at a time. We anticipate this will improve work-life balance and increase the annual percent of vacation utilized.

Caregiver Leave System

We offer a caregiver leave system for employees to take up to 93 days off, split among three leaves of absence. Leaves of absence include time off for caregivers and accumulated paid leave.

Childcare Leave System

Options for leaves of absence and shortened work hours include a childcare leave system for those with children up to 2 years old, shortened work hours for those with children in school up to 6th grade, and childcare time for those with children up to 1 year of age. Leaves of absence include time off for sick child care and accumulated paid leave.

Accrued Paid Leave

With this system, employees automatically accrue a certain number of days of paid leave that they were not able to use individually. The maximum length is 20 days.

Donor Leave

This system allows employees to take a special paid leave of absence when they are registered as a bone marrow donor and are selected as a donor or potential donor (under certain conditions).

Educational Fund

Through this system, in the event that an active employee or executive passes away, the company will fund a monthly stipend or a monetary matriculation gift to their dependent children up to a certain age to support their education.

Performance Rating System

The performance rating system is designed to foster talent that will spearhead the creation of value for customers. As such, we evaluate employees on their contributions to the company in terms of their everyday roles and responsibilities as well as their individual innovation.

  • The roles and responsibilities rating considers employees’ efforts and accomplishments in terms of their individual roles and responsibilities that have been set based on the organization’s challenges and main themes.
  • The innovation rating considers the employee’s ability to devise and implement improved methods and, if necessary, reform past methods.
The aim of this system is to foster the improved execution of everyone’s responsibilities and promote forward-looking innovation.
These two ratings are evaluated and reviewed for each employee twice a year through a discussion with their direct manager.

Efforts at Each Facility

New-hire training

The curriculum covered topics such as a professional mindset, the vision and activities of each division, and basic data utilization skills. Training was conducted for 56 college graduates and 67 high school graduates in April. The college graduates also underwent training at sales offices or one of five production facilities until the end of September.

On-the-job training

This year-long program is aimed at providing necessary information for performing job duties, improving awareness, and establishing good work habits. Due to the change in the timing of official role assignment for college graduates, this program began in February 2023 for those who graduated in 2022 and in November 2023 for those who graduated in 2023.

Training for workplace trainers

Online training was conducted to help new trainers become better instructors and improve their understanding of trainees. This training was conducted for 61 trainers.

New manager training

With an aim to systematically increase the skills of those in management, the curriculum covered topics such as formulating strategies and financial and accounting skills. General managers trained 13 people and Managers trained 46 people were joined.

Data utilization training

To develop digital talent and drive independent data utilization at each factory, this comprehensive training covered everything from the basics of statistics to how to use various analytical tools like Python and statistical formulas in Excel. Beginner course 280 people and Intermediate course 257 people were joined.

English lessons

The half-year beginner and intermediate programs were aimed at increasing the company’s overall practical, business-level English proficiency in Japan. An additional five-month program was available for those who exceeded certain conditions. Beginner course 40 people and Intermediate course 20 people were joined.

International trainee system

Young employees who want to work outside of Japan in the future were assigned to an overseas subsidiary for one year. In 2023, Germany 2 people, India 1 person and China 1 person were assigned.

Yamagata Plant


Initiatives are being pursued in Yamagata Prefecture to elevate the local level of technical skill, with the intention of more widely spreading the opportunities created by a skill-oriented mindset to society at large. As a result of various projects undertaken every year at the Yamagata plant to promote passing the Trade Skill Test, the facility has been praised for producing many test-takers who have passed. And in March, the plant was awarded the 2022 Yamagata Prefecture Trade Skill Test Workplace Excellence Award by the prefectural governor.



Establishment of the Workplace Development Committee

A survey of all employees was conducted from March to April to assess workplace satisfaction. Using the survey results as a starting point, current issues were identified, and improvement methods are being discussed once a month by the Workplace Development Committee, which was formed in November with a core of eight members selected from different departments to help create an ideal workplace environment. The Culture and Engagement Department plans to continue spearheading these activities going forward.

Committee members
Committee members


Monthly trainings on harassment and safety were held for 73 new employees.

TME (France)

Human Resources Training

TME conducted a series of four human resource manager training courses (in March, June, September, and December) facilitated by a law firm, which covered updating work practices and procedures to comply with new regulations.